Me and My Space
The Person

My name is Carol and I love to paper craft. My love of crafting started when I was just a little girl. I started with just crayons and coloring books, then moved on to mixed media. Okay…my mixed media was making cards for people with stuff my Dad kept around the house for me: old string, glue, paints, cardboard backings from his note pads, and anything else that looked interesting. As I got older, crafting came and went for me as life situations changed. I started card making/stamping when my son was young, then stopped a few years later as I went back to school. I am now back into crafting and am enjoying every minute of it.
The Space
My crafty corner. It’s usually an inky, papery, scrappy, gluey…mess, and that’s the way I like it! It is my little corner to relax and create in.

Thank you for visiting and have an amazing day! 🙂